
Feeling: Tired
Listening to: The hum of my computer
Tasting: Water

It's around 12:40 am, and I came home about 15 minutes ago. I am incredibly tired, but at least I haven't spent all day thinking about or doing college applications. I needed that break, I think. But now it's back to my computer and pages and pages of college applications. And then tomorrow is a full day of doing my history term paper, which I better finish because I really don't have any other day to do it. And then if I don't finish (which is very likely), there's Monday, which is the last full day of vacation I have -- Tuesday is the 31st and we'll probably be going to New Jersey, and Wednesday is January 1st, which is my uncle's birthday, so we'll be in New Jersey again. Hopefully. If it doesn't rain or snow or something else that will force us to stay home-- without a Christmas tree, no less, because it's actually at my aunt's house in their garage in New Jersey because we forgot to take it earlier. I think this may be our first New Years ever without a Christmas tree in the house, and that depresses me immensely.

Anyway. Back to what I was saying. Monday is probably my last full day of vacation (I hope! Because otherwise I'll just be stuck doing more work), and it's also the day I have to go to the post office to send my college applications. So if I don't finish my term paper on Sunday, which is what will most likely happen, I'll have to work on it on Monday, too. And then I've got Tuesday and Wednesday, and then there's school on Thursday, and my term paper's due Friday, by which time I absolutely have to finish my term paper. And then there's the weekend, and then Monday, and then Tuesday, when my psychology test is-- and by which time I have to finish my psychology outline for chaper 9 (or is it 10? I've lost track). And then there's the NYU application, due January 15th, and then financial aid stuff-- and I also have to do the SUNY applications, and the Boston University and Lehigh applications, which I'm doing online and have to finish by January 1st. Which is what I probably should be doing now-- either that or the Princeton and Columbia applications.

And everyone today was looking at me strangely because I only have four more days until my college app. deadlines and I haven't finished anything yet. The beauty of being at Stuy and catching the disease of procrastination. Not a good thing, I tell you. Don't catch that habit.

Okay, so I guess I'm off to do more college applications.

Please be kind and write. (Attempting to be polite!)

And if you've stuck through to the end of this blog, thank you for reading my ramblings. It can't be an easy task...

If I don't write here again before the new year, happy holidays and have a happy new year!



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