
Feeling: Exasperated
Listening to: TV that my dad is watching in the background
Tasting: Nothing

I just realized that this is probably the first time I've heard the TV in the background while writing a blog, since this is probably one of the first times I've written here before midnight. Anyway, I've got pretty much nothing to say, except that I'm still doing college applications, and I'm really, really tired of them. And when I finish with that, I've still got financial aid stuff to do...

At least my term paper is done. I've finished it! And I handed it in, all printed (by my school pritner, of course, because my printer at home decided to fail me at 5:30 in the morning and not print) and stapled and with a bibliography and a title page and everything...

Um, excuse my excitement. It was only this Monday, but it seems like it was ages ago. But I'm done now, all 9 pages of it, and now we'll just have to see what I get on it.

9 days of school left. I counted. Then we've got finals and Regents week, of course, which only my school has decided to blend into one busy week so we don't have that wonderful week off like the rest of the schools get. But I still end up getting a couple of days off, and I think I really need them.

My birthday is coming up soon. Yay! It's not as exciting as it was last year, though, but still, some birthday excitement is being felt in slight forms. With my luck, I'll have a huge math test on that day, but still. Birthdays. Good. I think.

Except for that whole getting older thing, of course. But I figure I can buy myself a chocolate bar (it being my birthday, which will give me a semi-excuse to eat junk food) and feel a bit better. Maybe a Snickers. It's my candy of choice lately.

I need to remember to do a bunch of things that I've already forgotten to do. For tomorrow, I need to write a girl a birthday card, put a bottle of water in my bookbag, find my homeroom representative and give her a check for my senior dues (152 dollars!) and do something else that I've probably already forgotten. Oh, and try to wake up early, which I know in advance will not happen.

I've been really lazy these past few days. I came home yesterday pretty late (helping a friend work on her swing project with her partner-- for the Ballroom Dancing class I didn't get. Of course, it was mainly me bothering them with weird moves that I came up with, but whatever. I figure it's swing, and I should be compensated for my lack of a dance class. And so I bother her). Anyway, I came home late and proceeded to watch TV (Law & Order, which is really cool, and, once you get past the sight of dead bodies at the beginning, very addictive) until 9 o'clock, washed my hair until around 10:30, and only then started studying for my math quiz. Triple integrals and Jacobians... why does that sound more like witchcraft than math?

What else to ramble about... Oh, I went to work on the yearbook yesterday, and the guy that's in charge of Copy didn't come, which means I had nothing to do. I didn't mind because I got to leave earlier than I had expected, but I saw a bunch of people (well, two) updating their Xangas, which is kind of like Blogger except that apparently everyone in my school does it. The impression I've gotten is that it's an Asian thing, but I can definitely be wrong because I don't know much about it. And I can't exactly come up and ask someone that. So apparently the whole blogger idea has really spread. People love that. I think it's cool, too, except that I don't have enough interesting things to say to post here every day, which a lot of people do.

Oh, another completely irrelevant piece of news. I got nominated for an award by my gym teacher. Gym, of all things... some sort of national award thing that doesn't give you any money for it, but still, amusing. Gym. Award. Me.

Anyway, I'm going to go.

Please email me and tell me what you think. (Again, being polite.)



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