
Feeling: Tired
Listening to: The computer making strange clicking sounds
Tasting: Carrots

So I seem to be in the mood for writing these past couple of days. I suppose in some ways the mood strikes me whenever I should be doing something else, like studying or writing essays, and that's really not very good at all, but I think I'll just take a couple of moments and write anyway. I haven't gotten any emails lately, which is why I am writing here instead of in an email to my friends-- I hate writing more than two emails without getting a reply. Petty, maybe, but that's me.

So I'm thinking that I start way too many paragraphs with "so"... but that's really not something I want to talk about here. I'll talk about my Psychology AP on Tuesday instead, and what I've been doing about it. I haven't been studying as much as I should have, but I was going over stuff now and I was just reviewing the biology aspect of psychology-- you know, how the brain functions and stuff, like what the cerebellum and the hippocampus and the amygdala and they hypothalamus do (keep your balance, make new explicit memories, control emotions and emotional memories, and maintain homeostatis & control the endocrine system, respectively). It's actually pretty interesting stuff, and it makes me wish that I had the memory to study it in detail.

I'm studying chapter 3 of 18, which isn't good, considering the fact that the chapters get longer and harder as I go along, and I've been studying for two days now and have school tomorrow and the AP on Tuesday. I definitely have to get cracking, and I still have to finish my essay. Like, yesterday. So I think that's what I'm going to go do now, although I'm not sure I have much to write and I'm not very excited about writing it.

Oh, well. A student's got to do what a student's got to do. (Who doesn't love Chucky?)

Going now. Please reply to this blog.



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