Feeling: Apprehensive
Listening to: The Way by Fastball
Tasting: Nothing
Well, I think I'll post my fragment now. I hope you like it!
Here it is: *Bites nails in apprehension*
I didn’t always hate my nose. When I was little, I guess I didn’t care that much about what I looked like—my parents told me I was pretty, and I didn’t question it because it was nice to hear and your nose isn’t really something anyone ever brings to your attention, anyway.I remember the day I realized I hated my nose. I had gone with my mother and sister to take some pictures at my uncle’s studio, and I hated the pictures he returned to us several weeks later. They were all taken with me turned to the side, and my nose looked crooked and too rounded at the edges, and I decided then and there that I hated it.
Whenever people take pictures of me now, I always look directly at the camera. And I’m probably one of the only people in the world that pays attention to people’s noses. I’ve even decided what kind of nose I would have if I could choose—it would be small and straight and a little upturned at the end, kind of aristocratic but not in a stuck-up, snobby way. I guess there’s no way of knowing whether such a nose would actually look nice on my face, but I think a nose like that would be perfect. Small and nice and pretty, and then maybe I wouldn’t feel so self-conscious when people take pictures of me.
I’m still going to hate the way I turn out on pictures. I’m not photogenic at all, and having a nicer nose isn’t really going to help very much, but I think that having a nice nose in general would be a pretty pleasant thing—even if I’d just take it for granted after a while, just like all those other people who don’t appreciate their cute, aristocratic noses.
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