
Feeling: Tired
Listening to: People talking in the background at the office
Tasting: Water

Wow. It seems that every blog I start begins with my counting of how long it has been since my last blog. And so, it has been - 8 months and 6 days. Which is much more than three months and twelve days. And so, the space between my blogs is becoming higher and higher. I'd tell you how much higher it keeps getting, but that would involve math and I'm too lazy.

So. What am I doing? I am avoiding my economics textbook. Well, perhaps avoiding isn't quite the right word, considering that my elbows are currently on the economics textbook, but I am avoiding studying for my economics final. Which I really shouldn't be, because it is going to be here very soon. And I would say that I hate economics, but I'm not sure it would be true. So, I have no excuse for not studying, except that it's very hot in this office and that makes me lazy. But that's really my fault, too, because I'm the one that turned off the overhead fan when I came to work this morning.

Um. Yeah. The point of my blog entry today:

My instructions:
1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

And the sentence is... "So, without further ado:"

Yes, that is the fifth sentence of my twenty-third blog. I was surprised, actually: I didn't even know I had 23 blogs. But, apparently, I do. And that was the fifth sentence.

I really should be getting back to studying for economics. Perhaps I will start blogging again after finals. Perhaps not. Perhaps I will blog while I'm studying for finals, since that seems to be the time when I have an urge to blog (mostly due to my procrastinating habits). Either way, I'm really going to go study now, for the next ten minutes. Or I'll feel really guilty, because I promised my mom I'd study and then I only did it for about fifteen minutes.

Um, and since I started my blog in a typical way, I might as well end it in a typical way: Email me!



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