Feeling: Useless
Listening to: My mother talking on the phone
Tasting: Some strange white vegetable.
So I got out of bed after 2:00 pm today. The first time I woke up was around 9:30, after which I proceeded to go back to sleep, deciding that I'd wake up soon. The second time I remember waking up was 11:30, after which I decided to go to sleep again. Then there were many times when my parents or sister came into my room to bother me and wake me up. I didn't listen to any of them-- though there was a small squeal of excitement from me when my sister informed me that she had bought Snickers bar ice cream (take that, Larry. I can get my own ice cream). So after repeated interruptions from various members of my family, one of them including my discovery of the fact that I had somehow managed to sleep on a red pen that had leaked and colored my legs and my sheets, I finally got up around 2:10.
The nicest thing about all of this is that I don't have homework to do, which means that I can waste time today and know that I won't have to suffer tomorrow. The not-so-nice thing is the fact that I'm still covered in red ink, which apparently refuses to wash out of my skin.
My sister made a tiny frog out of little beads and thin wire. She does cool stuff like that-- last month, she was making ballon animals like poodles and swans, and now she's into making figures out of beads. I wish I could do stuff like that, but since I possess no artistic talents, I figure that the arts and crafts stuff is better left to my sister and my mom. I did try to draw a sketch of myself from a photo I have, but I wasn't exactly successful. I think I'll just stick to dance as my creative outlet.
I want to learn to play guitar. My dad randomly decided to buy a guitar a little while ago, and it's still gathering dust on top of my dresser because no one knows how to play it. I tried to tune it once by following the instructions on a website I found and my using my keyboard for notes, but it didn't work out. I'm fine when I try to play on my keyboard, but tuning guitars is definitely not my area of expertise.
I've wanted to play guitar for a few years now, but my eagerness was renewed when a guy in my physics class was playing guitar during our break. He played this cool tune that I first heard in the movie Pay It Forward, and I've been trying to find the name of that tune ever since. I'll post it up here when I find it-- it's definitely worth listening to.
And I figure that if I learn to play guitar, my sister and I will be able to combine efforts and sound good together. She'll sing, and I'll play guitar or the keyboard. Then we could impress people with our amazing musical abilities. Now if only I can convince her to take singing lessons so she'll be able to sing by notes...
I have a ton of things that I have to do this weekend. I'm being lazy, though, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to do everything I'm planning on. I have to go to the library and get some books, because I've been looking forward to having time to read all year. I have to buy a birthday present for a friend of mine, whose birthday is tomorrow and who I plan on seeing (hopefully) sometime this summer. I think I know what I want to get her, but I have to get around to actually getting it, which may be a problem. I have to get a birthday present for another friend, but I don't have to give it to her until the end of this week. Her birthday is July 26, but she's going to China on July 4, so I'll have to give her the present sometime before that.
I think I'm going to go cut my hair now... I'll post again later.