
Feeling: Tired
Listening to: Nothing
Tasting: Nothing

So I took my calculus final today. I don't know how I did, but it's over now, and that makes Natalie a very happy person. I still have calculus class of course, but the final has been taken. Yay! for Natalie.

The downside is that now I feel lazy again, which means that I'm not doing anything when I still have that ton of homework to do.

Have I mentioned how much I want it to be June 18?

Off to do some computer tech studying...

File allocation tables and enumerators... I simply can't wait.



Feeling: Sleepy
Listening to: Nothing
Tasting: Carrots

So some people do that whole thing where they make relevant posts that say stuff.

That's definitely not me. This is the place where I ramble on and on about absolutely nothing when I have no one to speak to directly.

Hence the "potpourri".

Right... anyway, must be off to do my work.

I'm definitely not liking school right now.



Feeling: Sleepy
Listening to: Desert Rose by Sting
Tasting: Barley juice

Sting has an obsession with rain. It's very strange.

You know, I've found that I pick my music very carefully before posting a blog-- I mean, it's up there, on the web! People can't know that I listen to Mandy Moore!

Well, now the secret's out.

So I found out that I have even more essays due than I had previously thought-- but this has stopped being a surprise at, oh, the fourth essay.

So whatever.

Gotta run.



Feeling: Bored
Listening to: Walking Away by Craig David
Tasting: Nothing

Oh, and any and all thoughts can (and should) be emailed to zbrighteyez@yahoo.com.

... at least until I figure out how to allow people to reply to my blogs online.


Feeling: Surprised
Listening to: Walking Away by Craig David
Tasting: Lettuce

I just realized something funny.

Yesterday, I was listening to Jewel, "I Won't Walk Away". Then I started listening to the Craig David song, which I'm listening to now.
When I typed in the Craig David song title, I realized it's called "Walking Away."

And this is purely unintentional.

Life is very funny sometimes.


Feeling: Lazy
Listening to: Walking Away by Craig David
Tasting: Lettuce

So there really is stuff I should be doing, like my C++ project. My teacher extended the deadline until tomorrow, but that hasn't helped me at all, since I haven't actually changed anything at all. And since I know it doesn't work, life isn't too much fun at the moment.

I think I'm going to make a list of the things I have to do, just so I can have it and be able to look back at it in happier times (i.e., summer) and think "Ha! It's over! I survived!"


Government essay, due today: Finished, needs revision
English essay draft, due today: Not finished
Precal homework, due tomorrow: Finished
C++ program, due tomorrow: Not finished
C++ pogram, due Thursday: Not started
English essay, due Tuesday: Not started
C++ program, due Tuesday: Not started

I'm getting depressed. The list doesn't stop there, but I think it's enough for one day.

I was going to talk about happy things like dancing, but that list made me sad, so I'll just go and... come back, eventually.


Feeling: Tired
Listening to: I Won't Walk Away by Jewel
Tasting: Nothing

So, my first blog. I think that says it all.
